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11 years of

Tullio Amico


From Brazil to Canada

Certified Fitness Trainer 

“I have been involved in fitness my whole life and can say that YOU CAN achieve your goal

once you DECIDE to do so.”

After years of playing professional soccer, Tullio suffered knee ligament and

cartilage injuries and underwent four surgeries.

He was emotionally and physically shocked as he gained weight and lost muscle-mass;

he thought he would never be able to play or train again.

During the physiotherapy process, Tullio realized that he needed the proper guidance and

motivation from a fitness professional to overcome the challenges of it.

Tullio decided then to start studying more about human anatomy, movement, and physiology to understand his body changes.

The more he studied the more he

wanted to know.


Today, Tullio holds a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology and is a Certified Personal Trainer with 11 years of experience in the fitness industry helping people to overcome physical and emotional challenges.

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