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Updated: Aug 19, 2022


Push-ups are an effective bodyweight exercise for building overall upper body strength, if you want to shape up your chest, build bigger and stronger shoulders and arms, then you should be doing push-ups. They can be done anywhere and don’t require any equipment.

They also prepare you for functional movements such as pushing a shopping cart, moving boxes, or even your furniture at home.


They mainly work the chest muscles, triceps, and shoulders.

When done with proper form, they can also strengthen the lower back and activate your core by engaging (pulling in) the abdominal muscles.


✔️Place your hands under your shoulders with the index fingers pointing forward. For more stability, try to create external rotation force (imagine that you want to expand yourself to the sides)– it will stabilize your arms and shoulders.

✔️Your feet should be set up in a way that feels comfortable and in balance. For some, that might be shoulder-width apart, and the closer your go less stability you have.

✔️Be sure to engage the core to prevent the butt from lifting too high and don’t dip the hips down. Think of your body as one giant straight line (spine in a neutral position) You’re essentially holding a plank throughout the entire movement.

✔️When lowering yourself down your elbow must be flexed to 90 degrees at the bottom of the movement.

Pro Tips: If you have a problem getting the proper form with your body, try this: keep your glutes tight, and then tighten your abs as if you’re bracing to get punched. Again, your core will be engaged, and your body should be in that straight line.

Try asking yourself some questions to check in with your form: Where are my hands? Where are my shoulders? Do I have good contact with the ground beneath me? Are my core muscles engaged?


❌Keeping your hips high and Dipping the hips down.

pushup bad form

pushup bad form

❌Flared elbows.

pushup bad form flared elbows

❌LIfting your upper body first.

pushup bad form

❌Not going low enough.

pushup bad form


  • Kneeling Push-Ups: Try doing it with your knees down on the floor.

knee pushup
  • Incline Push-Ups: Place your hands in a higher position, so your whole body is in an incline position.

  • Top-down: Get in a High Plank position and start to slowly lower your body. Your goal is to find the lowest point at which you are still able to push yourself back up. This is your turning point. Hold this position for 3 seconds.

  • Bottom-up: Lie down and try to push yourself off from the ground (like you are about to do a Push-up). Push yourself as high as you can, even if it’s just 3 cm off the ground. Hold this position for 3 seconds.

Pro Tip: To ease wrist pain (if you have poor wrist flexibility) do your push-ups holding onto push-up handles (so your wrists aren’t as compromised).

Try an eccentric push-up. Slowly lower your body to the ground, and don’t worry about pushing yourself up. This will help you build strength in your core and arms.


Challenge your muscles to improve your strength and conditioning level with these great push-ups variations! Diamond, Plank to Push-Up, Push-Up Push Through, Push-Up Front or Side Taps, “Lift Hand” Push-Ups, Push-Up Knee Taps.

Stay tuned! Look out for our post tomorrow on our Instagram page to check for some cool push-up variations!


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